Hi! My name is 施靜樺 Jenny Shih . I'm currently a developer at Shopify, based in Toronto.

There was a time when I was very disciplined and wrote a bunch of blog posts. You can find them here.

I have spoken at conferences, about software design and testing. They are fun experiences, but I still can't bring myself to look at the recordings. I'd love to chat about them though. They're here.

In my free time, I love making music playlists with obscure titles and building side projects that have no product values whatsoever. Running also sparks joy for me. I ran my first ever marathon in the fall of 2023!

Can I share some of my music playlists? I'm glad you asked! Taiwanese gems and its sibling Taiwanese gems, soft rock edition seem to be my greatest hits. Recently I'm also exploring 80s music. Talk to me if you like music too! Or if you don't, talk to me anyway!

Here are some other online presences I have: